Our Units engaged in a tailored upskilling program consisting of interactive workshops and ongoing sparring, designed to strengthen their competencies in responsible business practices and due diligence. This program, funded through the business program SMV:Grønne Kompetencer, played a crucial role in shaping and enhancing Our Units’ strategies and actions within ESG and sustainability.
All companies are unique, and therefore the content of the program was tailored to Our Units. They have been working focused and strategically with responsibility for several years and thus had a solid foundation and a strong internal understanding of their business, value chains, and product impact, along with many initiatives and efforts in responsibility more broadly.
Signe’s facilitation of the due diligence competency development program has been crucial for our understanding of the process and motivation to undertake the work ahead. Signe has provided useful and manageable tools, which have helped us make solid progress in improving our due diligence efforts and establish a strong foundation to continue creating positive impacts in our value chain.
Kamilla Gitter, Head of Purchase // Heart of Impact at Our Units
The program consisted of 5 workshops, each of which helped Our Units with key elements of the due diligence process.
Workshop 1: Introduction til due diligence
The first workshop focused on the fundamental elements of the due diligence process. Emphasis was placed on a practical and easy-to-understand approach to why due diligence is essential and how it supports compliance with relevant legal requirements. This workshop set the framework for the rest of the program and provided a thorough introduction to a structured approach to responsibility.
Workshop 2: Due diligence gap analysis
In this session, we conducted an analysis of Our Units' current practices compared to due diligence requirements. Through an interactive gap analysis, performed verbally and documented in Excel, participants were able to identify existing strengths within the organization, as well as areas for improvement. This not only defined the focus for the remaining workshops but also served as a forward-looking action plan.
Workshop 3: Value chain and risk assessment
The third workshop focused on the value chain, where we worked with methods and tools to map and assess impacts on people and the environment. The first step was to map the value chain, followed by identifying specific risks at each stage, such as risks associated with chemical use, CO2e emissions, child labor, overtime, discrimination, etc. After this workshop, Our Units had the initial framework for their due diligence risk assessment (documented in a flexible Excel sheet), which they continued to develop with my specific input.
Workshop 4: Evaluering og udvikling af nye initiativer
Denne workshop var dedikeret til at evaluere og kortlægge de eksisterende ansvarlighedsinitiativer i egen virksomhed og i værdikæden. Deltagerne gennemgik en grundig analyse for at identificere de allerede igangværende tiltag. På baggrund af denne gennemgang kortlagde vi sammen nye nødvendige initiativer, hvilket gav virksomheden en klar vej fremad for at styrke deres bæredygtighedsindsatser. Our Units brugte samme risikoværktøj som i workshop 3, og på den måde blev risikovurderingen også til deres fremtidige handlingsplan.
Workshop 5: Internal integration and continuous improvements
The final workshop focused on internal integration and a reassessment of the gap analysis from Workshop 2. This workshop helped Our Units visualize and document the progress they have made throughout the program and identify areas that need attention over the coming years. Additionally, we worked on implementing a due diligence annual cycle - for both the company itself and its suppliers. This tool is designed to ensure that all responsibility processes are clearly planned, with specific responsibilities and timelines assigned. These initiatives emphasized the importance of having a clearly embedded and continuous process in Our Units’ due diligence and responsibility efforts.
Feel free to reach out if you are interested in a similar program.
October 2024